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Captains Day 17th December

This weekend sees our annual Captains Day and Turkey shoot.  The Shotgun start is at 9am Tees will be allocated on Thursday by our captains. The format is a pairs stableford multiplier.  The scores of the two players are multiplied together to give a team score on each hole.  Raffle tickets for the Barrow of Booze and hamper are currently available from the proshop for anybody wishing to enter, they will also be available on the day.  Ticket are £5 for a strip.  Good luck to all taking part and we look forward to seeing you for what promises to be a great day.

The Shop 

In 2023 we will be running a series of members only offers in the shop throughout the season.  Offers will range from clothing to hardware, golf balls to shoes and will be advertised in the newsletter each month.  Before then we are running some great offers throughout the Christmas Period, please call in to the shop at your leisure and where Laurence, Mike and the team will be happy to see you.


Top Tracer Range Cards

We have recently introduced some new member’s cards for our Top Tracer Driving Range.  The cards can be purchased a minimum of £50 credit through the shop and will give members 20% off all basket size prices.  In addition, we have introduced the members only 25 ball drop which is not available to the general public.  Call in to the shop and pick up your card during opening hours and make the most of one of the best driving ranges in the area.

Competition Winners

Members will now be able to see all competition winners and winnings which will be posted on IG weekly. As well as a results email which is sent once the competition is closed,  full results including prize winners and two’s will be available to view on IG.  Click here to view our latest winners or go to news section within the IG members area.


Local Rules

Over recent months we have been reviewing our local rules with the help of an R&A and European Tour referee.  The recommendations from the review are currently being implemented by Course Manager Dave Taylor and a new version will be released in full in the new year once all new areas have been defined.

Membership Direct Debit.

Please note, due to the bank holidays over Christmas and New Year and our office opening days the Direct Debit for January will run on 29th or 30th December.  you will have received a recent email detailing the membership prices for 2023.  The new prices will only come into effect when your individual renewal date comes around.  Until then your monthly payments will remain as they are.  Should you wish to discuss your membership with us please contact our Chloe Stewart or our Golf Operations Team.


Championship Course

You may have noticed the course name has been changed on our booking screen and app. The Championship Course winter will be used from January 1st 2023 until the end of March. This is set up to run at 8 minute tee time intervals in the winter months to allow us to create more times for members without severely affecting speed of play. The Championship Course Summer will be used from 1st April until the end of October and will run at 10 minute tee intervals.  During these months we have more non-members playing and the extra time allows us to manage pace of play accordingly.  Due to the nature of the booking configuration behind the booking engine, we are still using the “Summer Course”.  All existing bookings for January 1st onwards will automatically be switched onto the winter course.  You will only be able to book onto the winter course between January 1st and March 31st so please be sure to select this at the time of booking, summer course bookings will not be possible.

Winter Course Conditions

We are now at the time of year when our Course Manager is introducing the winter mats to give the course as much protection as possible.  This allows Dave and his team to manage foot traffic and also preserve the tee areas and enable him to provide excellent surfaces during the playing season.  Mats will be in use on all holes except 9, 15 & 18. In addition we will be updating the course each morning with any restrictions or course workings taking place. Recently we have endured heavy rain, frost, fog and this week even snow.  The course inspection is carried out early each morning and the website and app updated around 7am wherever possible.  We are also now only permitting trolleys with winter wheels. This incudes hedgehog, Motocaddy and Powakaddy style winter wheels.  Buggies, when in use are now restricted to virtual buggy paths via our GPS system.


Social Events

Throughout 2023 we will be hosting a number of social events for members and guests.  Ideas include mini beer festivals, Gin Tasting and food themed events as well as some golfing socials.  We will be sending out details in due course and we look forward to seeing you all for some après golf activities throughout the year.

Member Communications

From January 2023 we will be sending regular member updates with all the latest news about The Bristol.  We will include upcoming events and competitions,  results, member offers, and we will also be introducing you to some new faces along the way.  If you can’t wait for the emails please feel free to come and see us at the club with any queries you may have.  Paul McLean is our Golf Operations Manger whom many of you will have met, after all he is hard to miss.  Paul is around most days so feel free to drop by the shop with any questions you may have. Paul and his team will be happy to help wherever possible.


Finally, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over the festive period and into the new year. In the meantime, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the team here at The Bristol.